Woensdag 24 februari: Refugees in Wageningen: What can we do together?

Refugees in Wageningen: What can we do together?

24 februari en 2 maart 2016 zijn er twee avonden in Thuis, georganiseerd door Vluchteling Onder Dak, Otherwise, RUW en Amnesty.160118 Poster refugee event version 5

Programme: 19.00: Door opens, 19.15 – 19.20: Welcome by host 19.20 – 20.00: Intro lectures–Reflect on the situation in the Netherlands and in Wageningen. 20.00 – 20.30: Introduction pitches by local organizations.  20.30 – 21.25: Info market (with live music). 21.25 – Closing the event

The Netherlands are amongst several countries becoming recipients of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan Eritrea and elsewhere. To create a space for informing, linking, and mediating between different groups, organizations and people, and to strengthen active engagement and participation of citizens and students in Wageningen, Stichting OtherWise, RUW Foundation, Amnesty Students Wageningen, andStichting Vluchteling Onder Dak will organize two events. The events are sponsored by Alert fonds voor Jongeren.Alert Logo NL jpg

24th February – What is happening in Wageningen? (in English)

The first event on the 24th February will have a special focus on the local context, particularly on ‘What is happening in Wageningen?’

The evening will start with two presentations: one is giving an overview on the migrants’ situation in the Netherlands by a political activist, and the other presentation will reflect on the Wageningen context, given the representative of the local initiative Welkom in Wageningen.

This will be followed by an Information Market where different organizations that are actively involved in working with and supporting refugees locally and regionally will present themselves. The Information Market will provide platform in a cosy environment with drinks, snacks and nice live music for people to approach various organizations they are interested in and exchange information, get involved, and find out more about volunteer possibilities.

Interested? Join our Facebook Event!

Date& Time: 24th February, 19.00 – 21.30

Location: : THUIS, Stationstraat 32, Wageningen

Organised by: Stichting OtherWise, RUW Foundation, Stichting Vluchteling Onder Dak and Amnesty Students

Live Music by Dinnerclub

Programme of the event

19.00: Door opens

19.15 – 19.20: Welcome by host – RUW Foundation

19.20 – 20.00: Intro lectures–Reflect on the situation in the Netherlands and in Wageningen

20.00 – 20.30: Introduction pitches by local organizations

20.30 – 21.25: Info market (with live music)

21.25 – Closing the event

2nd March – Spotlight on experiences: Storytelling and panel discussion (in English)

The second event on the 2nd March aims to bring together citizens , students of Wageningen, experts , political activists and refugee voices to discuss and share opinions from a human rights, law and policy perspective.

The event will start with storytelling by two activist refugees who will share their experiences with the audience. This will be followed by a panel discussion with invited guest speakers where different issues like the role of the media, help here vs help in region of origin, approaches on political and/or practical support, changes compared to the past in the migration situation, the asylum procedures and the public opinion in the Netherlands (etc.) will be discussed. The invited panellists are: a refugee activist, academic expert, political activist, anda journalist with migration insights.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. Karen Witsenburg (Stichting OtherWise).

Date& Time: 2 March, 19.00 – 21.30

Location: THUIS, Stationstraat 32, Wageningen

Organised by: Stichting OtherWise, RUW Foundation, Stichting Vluchteling Onder Dak and Amnesty Students


 Programme of the event

19.00:                  Door open

19.15 -19.20:       Welcome by host – Stichting OtherWise

19.20 -20.00:       Story telling by refugee activists

20.00- 20.10:       Break (with drinks)

20.10 -21.10:       Panel discussion

21.30                     Closing of the event

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